Welcome to the University of Washington Interprofessional Education (IPE) Core Curriculum 2024-2025 Registration Page.
Below is important information about our Core Curriculum. Registration for individual sessions will open on September 16th 2024. Prior to September 16th you can view the available sessions and descriptions.
The Core Curriculum is a 3-part series that occurs in succession across the school year. Typically Part 1 occurs in the Fall Quarter, Part 2 in the Winter and Part 3 in the Spring. Some Part 2 sessions may creep across into Fall and spring quarters.To complete the Core Curriculum you must complete all 3 parts, in order (unless otherwise specified by your program).
The Core Curriculum aims to develop a foundational understanding of other health professionals’ roles and responsibilities, and the skills needed to effectively collaborate with a diverse healthcare team. The curriculum is designed to give students an intentional and step-wise introduction to IPE and collaborative practice, while helping them to meet their programs’ accreditation requirements for IPE.
3 easy steps to register on or after September 16th:
1. Sign-up for a Sched account using your UW email and log in. 2. Log-in and select the ticket that aligns with your program. If you do not see your program ticket please email Ashley at mcpeekas@uw.edu. 3. Finally, select the sessions you would like to attend to fulfill the 3-part Core Curriculum.
Please note, you will need to pay attention to your program specific requirements! Please select the appropriate ’ticket’ when registering.
Please take time to read about the sessions in Part 2 you are interested in attending.
For Part 2 you will be able to sign-up for 1 session and 1 waitlist, if there is a session you are interested in but it is full. IF a space opens up, you will be automatically moved from the waitlist into the session and receive an email notification.
If you registered for a session that you are no longer able to attend we ask that you withdraw from the session. Please go into your Sched schedule and uncheck the session so that we are able to capture an accurate count of attendees in preparation of our sessions. This will open up registration for other attendees to register for sessions that may be full.
Save the dates of your sessions in your calendar!
For extracurricular IPE opportunities please visit our website www.collaborate.edu!
Clinical Skills Workshops provide opportunities for health sciences students to learn important shared clinical skills in an interprofessional team environment.
Dermatology in Primary care will help students describe skin lesions and practice shave biopsies. This workshop is geared towards professions planning to work in primary care. Although not exclusive of other professional programs, the session is geared towards DNP, MD, PA and BSN. Dental students may also find this topic interesting in certain settings.